Thursday, April 2, 2009

What type of driver are you?

1.Do you drive slowly when you do not know where you are going?

Yes No

2.When someone is driving the speed limit, “do you become frustrated and start cutting
people off?”

Yes No

3.If the speed limit is 30 mph, “would you drive 5 miles above the speed limit?”

Yes No

4.Are you the type of person who becomes impatient after waiting a few seconds in traffic?

Yes No

5.While you are driving, “do you cut back and forth between cars, getting so close that
if you were to get any closer you would crash the car in front of you?”

Yes No

6.Can your music be felt and heard from a mile away?

Yes No

7.If you are not sure if you can turn at a red light, do you turn anyways?

Yes No

8.Do you pass all amber lights even when you know you can stop?

Yes No

9.Are you the type of person that would stop at a red light, at midnight, even after knowing that no one is around?

Yes No

10.Does it take you about an hour or more to realize that you are lost?

Yes No

11.Are you the type of person that enjoys torturing animals, pass your classes with a
D, or the person who drove before they received their license?

Yes No

12.Are you the student that arrives to school on time, does all their homework, or are terrified of cops?

Yes No

(If you answered yes to 9, 10, and 12, you are a religious speed limit obey. If you answered yes to 2, 7, and 8, you are a fast and generally typical driver. If you answered yes to 4, 5, and 11, you are a tailgater and speed demean. If you answered yes to 1, 3, and 6, you are a casual speed limit obey.)